Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lazy Days

OMG I feel soooo lazy today. I have done No Exercise. The only reason I have come in here to post actually is to put my goal for tomorrows run "out there" so that while I am running and wanna give up I will be able to say to myself "you can't quit cos you have posted your goal and you will hate yourself if you have to go in there and say you failed".

So I have made plans to leave my daughter at my Mum & Dad's house tomorrow lunch time and I will attempt to jog 6km. which is 3 laps of the foreshore. If I make it I don't think there will be much stopping me from heading into the Bakery that Crissy works at and telling her I made it lol.

This week I am aiming for Run Monday (6km)....Tueaday - Bike, core, ab & upper body work........Wednesday - Run 5km......Thursday - Bike, core ab & uppper body work........Friday - Crissy has suggested I run with her at the foreshore and to just run for as long as I can obviously aiming to get as close to 8km as I can (AAAGGGGHHHHHHH PMSL). Oh well what's there to lose? I will make Sat or SUnday a rest day. Depends on how my legs pull up. I hope my legs allow ,me to do all I have planned actually. Especially Fridays run. I really enjoy running with Crissy and am looking forward to seeing what I can do.

No I feel crap about not doing anything today so I am gonna do two sets of 40 crunches and a few core exercises, ooooh and some pushups (im aiming for 15 first set and 10 second set.)

Just had to add that I bumped into a cousin today. I used to have a fair bit to do with her as a kid and it was great to see her and her lovely family. She actually married a mate of my brothers, it was great to see him too. We have swapped details and I am hoping we keep in contact and get the kids together on the odd occasion.

Crissy I am hoping you find my attitude a little more possitive today!


Em said...

Hi there, welcome to blog land!

Love the poka dot backgroud, V cute, as is pic with you and your little girl


Crissyjt said...

OMG you've made ur blog public.
I will look forward to seeing you tmw with some good news for me.