Ryan Cameron arrived on June 23rd at 4:05pm weighing 7lb 12oz. He was just over 2 weeks early. After getting off to a shakey start we are finally home and setteling in.
My waters broke on the Thursday night and after stop start contractions Friday and Friday night we agreed to have the drip put in on Saturday morning. Ryan arrived 7 hours later but only after getting his shoulder stuck and a difficult delivery. The labour and birth was much much better than my last, I used Gas to take the edge off the contrations in the last few hours, I was much more in control and it was all much more active. I had skin to skin contact with my price as soon as he was born and cut the cord myself.
Unfortuneately my milk was slow coming in once again and Ryan lost way too much weight and turned Jaundiced and became dehydrated resulting in him needing to be put on formula and what little milk I was able to express while he was placed in a humidicrib with the lights on. He was finally well enough to come home yesterday and we are breastfeeding, suplimenting with formula and EBM and pumping. It is all very exhausting but hopefully worth it, I am hoping to achieve what I couldn't for my little girl.
The birth took it's toll on my pelvis and I am in more pain now than I was by the end of my pregnancy but have been given the go ahead to start walking as soon as the pain eases. My stomach muscle separation came back together quite well and the midwife was super impressed. I thank a stronger core and wearing belly tubing 24/7 from about 20 weeks.
My wonderful hubby was amazing during my labour and took turns with the midwife in massaging my lower back every contraction as I leaned over a fit ball, my back was bruised from thier massaging the next day LOL. He constantly told me how proud he was of me and how well I was doing and kept giving me that extra push everytime I started tiring. For someone who hates gore he coped extremly well and I am super proud of him.
We are now a very happy complete family of four, I think that will be it for us. My body just hates pregnancy and my babies keep ending up in bad positions for birthing, Anna being posterior and this one having his hand above his head and his shoulder getting stuck. We are extremly blessed with two beautiful babies and I personally think that going again may tempt fate. I do get a high from birthing though and this time I am left with the most fond memories from what I will forever consider the most amazing experience of my life.
will be back with pics.